Hiring, grand opening and pet club!

Happy Sunday / Fathers Day, and with that, a couple quick updates!

First, our Grand Opening Celebration! 

The date is set, we will be holding our opening party on July 1st, from 10am to 3pm at the clinic, 4411 S. Settler Dr. Suite 100 – Ridgefield, WA 98642.  We will be sending out e-mail invites and more information around this time week, but we are excited to see you all and wanted you to mark your calendars!  Make sure to invite any friends or family as well, we are looking forward to showing off the clinic we’ve been waiting so long for to be completed.

The interview and hiring process has been going well and we are preparing to bring on our first employees that we know you will love.  We have been fortunate to already gain commitments from not one but two exceptional receptionists and two awesome veterinarian technician assistants!  Step by step we are getting closer to making this dream a true reality.

On a final note!

If you’ve had a chance to visit our website you can see it’s still a bit of work in progress but we are making headway.

A couple of the features we are excited to share are the Royle Vet Pet Club and our In Memory pages.  At RVC we feel strongly that our clients and patients are like our family.  The pages are ways we are able to show off and remember our furry friends.

If you haven’t had a chance to check out either, take a look at the RVC Pet Family here: https://www.roylevetclinic.com/rvcpetfamily

Both pages have links to submit your pets if you haven’t already, and if you already have, but didn’t share anything cute or fun you’d like to share about your animal you can use the same link to get us the info you’d like added.  Just make sure it is clear who your pet is!

We are thankful and humbled to see how many of you are already excited and reaching out to schedule appointments, and can only say that we are just as excited to see you all and get back to being vets!  If you haven’t yet and are looking to get on the list to schedule a July appointment here is the link again: https://www.roylevetclinic.com/appointments#appointmentcontact

Cheers and kind regards until next time,

Christine Johnson DVM – Mija Shattuck DVM
