Holiday Wishes from rvc - pet safety reminders!

The holiday season can be a joyful time, but it also brings potential hazards for pets.

Here are some things to be careful about with cats/dogs during the Christmas holiday:


Tinsel and Ribbons: These can be tempting for cats to play with, but if ingested, they can cause serious digestive issues and may require surgery.

Ornaments: Glass ornaments can break, causing injury to paws and mouths. Keep fragile decorations out of reach.

Christmas Tree:

Secure the Tree: Make sure the tree is securely anchored to prevent it from toppling over if your pet decides to climb it.

Water Additives: Tree water additives can be toxic to pets. Cover the tree stand to prevent them from drinking it.


Poinsettias, Holly, Lilies and Mistletoe: These plants are toxic to pets. Keep them out of reach or opt for artificial alternatives.

Christmas Trees: The needles on real Christmas trees can be sharp and may cause digestive issues if ingested.

Open Flames: Pets can knock over candles, causing burns or fires. Consider flameless LED candles as a safer alternative.


Wrapped Gifts: Ribbons, bows, and wrapping paper can be attractive to pets. Ingesting these materials can lead to intestinal blockages.

Food and Treats:

Chocolate: Keep all chocolate products away from pets, as chocolate can be toxic to both dogs and cats.

Xylitol: This artificial sweetener is often found in sugar-free treats and gum and can be toxic to pets.

Fatty Foods: Rich, fatty foods can lead to pancreatitis in pets. Avoid giving them leftovers or scraps.


Escape Prevention: With guests coming and going, ensure that doors are securely closed to prevent pets from escaping.

Safe Space: Some pets may become stressed with the hustle and bustle. Provide a quiet, safe space where they can retreat if needed.

Electrical Cords:

Lights and Cords: Pets may chew on electrical cords, leading to electric shock. Secure cords and use pet-proof covers when possible.

Fireworks and Noise:

Fireworks: Loud noises from fireworks can scare pets. Provide a quiet and secure space for them to retreat during festivities.

Maintain Routine: Try to stick to your pet's regular feeding and exercise schedule to minimize stress.

Emergency Numbers: Keep the contact information for your veterinarian and an emergency animal poison control hotline handy.

By being aware of these potential hazards and taking precautions, you can help ensure a safe and happy holiday season for your pets. If you suspect your pet has ingested something harmful or is showing signs of illness, consult with your veterinarian promptly.


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