Happy and safe 4th from rvc!

Happy upcoming 4th of July wishes from the Royle Vet Staff!

We wish you a fun and safe holiday and look forward to seeing you all soon as we officially open June 5th!

We thought it might be helpful to remind that the 4th of July can be a stressful time for many pets due to the loud fireworks and festivities. Below are some considerations that may help your pets during this holiday:

Create a safe space: Set up a quiet and secure area in your home where your pet can retreat to. Make it comfortable with their bedding, toys, and familiar scents. This space should be away from windows and exterior walls to minimize noise.

Keep them indoors: During the peak fireworks hours, it's best to keep your pets indoors. Close all windows and draw curtains to reduce noise and visual stimulation. This will help create a calmer environment.

Provide distractions: Keep your pets occupied with toys, puzzles, or treats to divert their attention from the noise outside. Interactive toys or treat-dispensing toys can help engage their minds and keep them busy. 

Play soothing sounds: Play soft, calming music or turn on a white noise machine to help drown out the sound of fireworks. Classical music or specially designed pet relaxation tracks can help create a more serene atmosphere. 

Stay with them: If your pet is particularly anxious, consider staying with them during the fireworks. Your presence can provide reassurance and comfort. Speak to them in a soothing tone and offer gentle physical contact if they seek it. 

Update identification: Ensure your pet's identification tags are up to date with your current contact information. In case your pet becomes frightened and escapes, a visible ID tag and a microchip can increase the chances of a safe return. 

Remember, every pet is unique, so it's important to observe their behavior and provide individualized care. By following these recommendations, you can help minimize stress and keep your pets safe during the 4th of July celebrations.

Best wishes and celebrations!

Royle Veterinary Clinic Staff

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Week one is in the books.. happy friday!
