Parasite Prevention:

We provide parasite prevention care to cats and dogs by implementing a comprehensive parasite prevention plan that may include a combination of preventive measures such as topical medications, oral medications, or other treatments. The specific parasite prevention plan recommended for your pet may vary depending on a variety of factors, such as their age, lifestyle habits, and past medical history. However, some common preventive measures that may be included in a parasite prevention care plan include:

1) Flea and Tick prevention: This may involve the use of topical or oral medications that kill fleas and ticks and prevent them from re-infesting your pet.

2) Deworming: This involves the use of medications to remove and treat intestinal parasites like roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms.

3) Heartworm prevention: This may involve the use of monthly topical or oral medications to prevent heartworm disease.

4) Yearly to biannual fecal testing to look for other parasites that our topical or oral preventatives do not treat/prevent such as giardia or coccidia. 

5) Regular Check-ups: Regular visits ensure that the parasite prevention care plan is working effectively and your pet is healthy, and if any other treatments need to be administered based on visible symptoms.

Overall, a comprehensive parasite prevention care plan is an essential part of maintaining the health and wellbeing of cats and dogs. Our veterinarians can help you determine the most appropriate parasite prevention plan for your pet based on their individual needs and circumstances, and guide you on the correct treatments and management practices.

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