Geriatric Care:

Geriatric care is an important aspect of veterinary medicine that focuses on the health and wellbeing of senior pets. Geriatric care is personalized care designed with the needs of older pets in mind and becoming increasingly important around the world.

We provide a range of geriatric care for senior pets, which can include:

1) Regular wellness check-ups: As pets age, they become more susceptible to many health issues. Regular veterinary check-ups can help catch and address health issues early before they develop into more serious problems.

2) Blood work and diagnostic tests: Regular blood work and diagnostic testing can help track any developing diseases, such as diabetes, kidney disease, or liver problems.

3) Exercise programs and modified diets: Senior pets often require modifications in diet and exercise to maintain their overall health and well-being. We can provide recommendations on diet, exercise, and other lifestyle changes to keep older pets healthy.

4) Managing arthritis: Many senior pets suffer from arthritis, which can be managed with medication, supplements, and physical therapy.

5) Behavior issues: Senior pets may also experience behavior changes that are related to their age, such as anxiety, depression, and confusion. We can prescribe medication or recommend behavioral modification exercises to reduce anxiety and other related mental health issues.

6) Other modalities: We may recommend referral to an outside clinic for laser therapy, acupuncture or rehabilitation. 

Geriatric care is important because senior pets are at an increased risk of developing age-related illnesses, such as arthritis, cancer, dental problems, and heart disease. If these issues are not identified and addressed promptly, they can lead to a decreased quality of life for the pet and negatively affect their physical and mental health. By providing geriatric care, we can help senior pets to live healthier and happier lives by minimizing risks and managing health issues before they become more severe.

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